This calculator is designed to give you a broad estimate of the value of a web site based on the main variables.
- Enter your web site's yearly net income. This is the total income over the last 12 months less expenses over that same period.
- Enter the number of unique page views your web site has received over the last 6 months.
- Estimate the value of backlinks to your site from other web sites. Backlinks can add significant value to your site - anything between $0.20 and
$50 each depending on quality and difficulty.
- Estimate the value of your web site's content including articles, images, software or products.
- Estimate the value of your domain name. Short domain names with good keywords and a .com
extension can be valuable by themselves. Click here to use our Domain Name Value Calculator.
- Estimate the time and money spent on web design, programming and
marketing to develop your web site. Value your own time at $25 to $50 per hour and include fees paid to professionals.
- If you are unsure of a value, please enter 0 otherwise the calculator will return an error (NaN).
- When you are finished entering the data, click the Calculate button to see your results.
Click here to try our other Internet Calculators.
This result is only a guide. The value of your web site may vary depending on a range
of factors including industry, market and country of operation. Please
consult a specialist for a specific valuation based on your situation.