This calculator allows you to compare up to 3 credit card Balance Transfer offers side by side.
- Enter the Balance Transfer Amount, Monthly Payment and Minimum Monthly Purchases (if any).
- Enter the details of each card you want to compare.
li>When you are finished entering the data, click the Calculate button to see your results.
Click here to try our other Credit Card Calculators.
Balance Transfer Amount Field - The total
dollar amount to be transferred to another credit card.
Monthly Payment Field - Select the monthly payment
you will be paying. If you choose "fixed Payment", enter the
amount, otherwise the payment will be calculated for you based on the
percentage you select.
Monthly Purchases Required Field - If any of the
cards require a minimum monthly purchase to qualify for the
introductory rate, enter it here.
- Introductory Interest Rate Field -
The introductory rate for each card. Enter the rate as a percentage
(e.g 2.99%) or zero.
Introductory Term Field - The introductory
term in months for each card.
Regular Interest Rate Field - The
interest rate which will apply for each card after the introductory
term ends. Enter the rate as a percentage (e.g 2.99%) or zero.
Annual Fee Field - If the card charges an annual
fee enter it here, otherwise leave the field blank or enter a zero.
Transfer Fee Field - If any of the cards
charge a fee for a balance transfer, enter it here.
Transfer Fee Cap Field - If there is a transfer fee cap or maximum
enter it here, otherwise leave the field blank.
Cash Back Field - If any of the cards
offer a cash back incentive, enter it as a percentage here (e.g 1%),
otherwise leave the field blank.